Saturday, April 12, 2008

word bank2

hectic (adjective): very busy
Life is always very hectic when you're trying to work and go to school at the same time.

major (noun): course of study
I'm thinking about majoring in computer science next year.

land (a job) (verb): to secure, win, or get a job
It is becoming increasingly difficult to land a job in the field of language teaching.

work (your way) through (school) (verb): think through, in this case, work while going to school to support yourself
Since my parents had no money, I had no choice but to work myself through school.
Sometimes we just have to work through many new experiences before we understand the language and culture.

destination (noun): the place to which you are going
It took four hours to arrive at our destination.

platform (noun): a raised area where you can get on and off a train
Please meet me on the platform 15 minutes before the train is scheduled to leave

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